
Complete Back-Office Toll Solutions

ETAN has created a complete, industry-innovative tolling back office that’s in a class of its own. Utilizing the latest in open architectures, standards and tools, FASTLane, the Financial Accountability Solution for Tolling, is built for speed, engineered for efficiency, designed for ease of handling, and provides the capacity to process millions of video transactions accurately and securely. 

When a vehicle crosses the gantry, FASTLane follows that toll until payment is secured. Every business process and every support service has been engineered for accuracy, efficiency and customer experience excellence. From transaction management that provides transparency down to the roadway, to third-party collections that achieve industry-leading results, FASTLane removes the administrative complexity and expense of managing toll transactions.

We invite you to explore these differences in greater detail and discover how FASTLane can add fuel to your toll transaction processing.


FASTLane is "The Solution"

Transaction Management for Tolling

Technology-driven transaction management

Accounting & Reconciliation

Driving fast payments across the processing timeline


Billing & Accounting Management

Game-changing account management strategies

Customer Relationship Management

A new level of customer service for video toll travelers



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When it comes to Back Office Systems, Toll Authorities have long had to tolerate inaccurate reconciliations, inflexible software and uncollaborative vendors.  To meet today's ever-changing requirements, vendors have to retrofit archaic software platforms, some of which are based on architectures and technologies from the last century.  This has resulted in systems that are difficult to change, scale and, in general, adapt to the new world of interoperability, tolling and other transaction-based activities, such as parking and ferries.

FASTLane is designed specifically for the toll industry with the future in mind, bringing innovation to the industry and disrupting the "way it's always been done".  Surrounding the software with companion services such as collections, call center provisioning, license plate identification, image management, transponder management, skip tracing and roadway profiling, ETAN provides one of the most comprehensive, yet modular, solutions in the market. This approach is a key differentiator and one of the primary reasons we are able to provide unmatched accuracy, an exceptional operational experience for the toll provider and industry leading customer service.


ETAN provides an enhanced payment experience that is accurate, convenient and secure for everyone involved. Our system helps toll authorities bridge the gap between the financial and operational aspects of managing video toll transactions. FASTLane's financial capabilities have been designed by accountants for accountants, and provide transparency all the way to the transaction level. The real-time dashboard presents updated financial and operational information, enabling fast decision making and the ability to provide confidence to bond holders.

Because of tolling’s unique relationship with the customer, delinquent accounts are never suspended even after they are submitted for collections, which requires the billing and third-party recovery processes to operate in parallel. ETAN is able to provide expertise in both areas, as well as an understanding of the regulatory segregation required to operate these processes simultaneously. The result is a unique process continuity that fosters operational efficiency and an outstanding customer experience.


Consumers without a valid toll tag represent roughly 20% of tollway transactions, however they consume about 80% of administrative resources—from billing, to customer service, payment processing and collections. These administrative tasks have been ETAN’s area of expertise for nearly 40 years. FASTLane lets you manage the traffic and run the roadways, while we handle the road blocks and issues related to video tolling.